Monday, February 4, 2019


Theism and Nature


Theism is the effort to feel nature, as a part of nature and participate in the rhythm and flow of nature. One who lives in lush nature, automatically gets filled by the feelings flows of nature, develops emotions, develops only emotional or the smelling and sensing intelligence and lives life as feeling nature continuously. One tries to feel the forests,rivers, mountains, valleys,waterfall ls,rivers, lakes,all life forms, the sun,moon,stars, galaxies,…the universe and Multiverse. One develops the versatility of living in diverse feelings.

Understanding ultima tely is feeling. In lush nature continuous understanding is living. There definitions, scopes, limitations, assumptions, mathematical reductions,graphic l presentations are fetters. In fact every word becomes a song and poem or tune and just refuses to be limited to the meaning attributed to it in a dictionary.

Atheism on the other hand is continuous questioning, doubting, refusing to feel completely,reduce phenomena into mathematical representations and equations, mechanize perception into only mental analysis and live a life skepticism. Living is continuous doubting for an atheist. He/She cannot trust or feel nature. Every life form or feature of nature is only a lab sample, to be cut, heated,subjected to various temperature variations, be indifferent to the animal shrieking in pain as a lab sample, the entire effort being to prove the definition.Nature is just a huge collection of lab samples.

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