Monday, February 4, 2019


TheHysteria for Money


We have the stock market experts, who will predict, which share will greatly reduce the value of money, euphemism as price rise or the Bull Run. All shares are in the game of reducing the value of money or getting their prices increased.They are hunting money, the economic trawlers always trying for the maximum catch.The economic man is herded and put in the Rat’s Race. The football here is the hysterical emotion to grab as much as the right moment allows. The experts study the flow of the hysteria. In fact they manipulate and manufacture the hysteria.The hysteria is the foundation for the functioning of the economy.

The great days of barter when everyone strive to give as much as one can to the society,while the society gave what all he/she needed, the opportunity to give service being the income in terms of happiness are as dead as the Dodo. Grab what all one can in the hysterical tricks of making money. One’s tricks shall not be known.They are the secrets of strategy.

This secrecy has become the much needed protection—ear plugs, nose filters, eyeglasses,condoms, cell phone to avoid conversation, speed away on a fast vehicle avoiding people to rush to some office to rush the work…,there is just no time to notice the tiny flower trampled upon or the puppy crushed under the vehicles.

Are we breathing at all in this hysterical anxiety? If I write, that once the Biosphere had a common language, the language of emotional exchange based on breathing, smelling, sensing,understanding,interacting,rupturing, singing,dancing, a hysteric will angrily demand the scientific or the 3D proof.

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