Tuesday, April 19, 2011


God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.

God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.
-Romans 12:6 (The Living Bible)

Each of us come with unique talents, gifts and skills.  Some people are natural athletes, others may excel in marketing, engineering or sales, some excel in the arts, yet others make excellent teachers, managers or administrators. Whatever the  talents we are bestowed with, these are areas that other people may find difficult or uninteresting, but we can do it naturally and effortlessly and are deeply passionate about it. No one can do everything well - however each one of us can do certain things very well. The key to living with passion lies in figuring out what our passion is, and then following your heart. 

Often times, people look to peers and mentors for guiding them towards understanding their own purpose. While it is good to take the opinion of others for general guidance, what works for peers may not work for us, for the simple fact that each one of us is unique and are here with a unique song to sing. Just because everyone is your family is a doctor,  it does not mean that you are destined to be a doctor as well. It is best to focus on your unique strengths and not get caught up in what does not come naturally to you. To be on purpose means you are doing what you love to do, doing what you are really good at, and accomplishing something that is really important to you.

Unfortunately, many times people take what comes easily to them for granted. Our talents are God's gift to us - it is part of our divine purpose. We need to nurture them to their maximum potential. All our talents are bestowed upon us for the benefit of other - we need to put them to use wisely in service of others. So what keeps us from living the life we are destined to live? At times, we may not know what our purpose is yet, and hence we may need to pay more close attention to what it is that we can do really well. Once we have found our passion, it is important that we believe in ourselves and  get out of our own way so we can settle into what is destined for us. So how do you know you are living your true purpose? When a person is doing what he is truely destined to do, life stops being a constant struggle, it becomes joyful, and it just feels right - in short our best life happens when we are living our purpose. 

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