Sunday, March 6, 2011



1. Late CP Rama swamy iyer.

What I have read from books is Late CP Ramaswamy iyer was an efficient divan of Travancore, a proud person, but once he has to leave the land with out telling any body from Kerala. The circumstances may be forcing it; there would have been aides for him, still, if he was Bahujana priya, do this would have necessitated?

2. Nampoothiri Diwan.

I have read from there was a Diwan nampoothiri, but he too was forced to leave his position (Bahishkaram) by the king due to his extreme corruption and unpopularity.

3. Poonthanam and Melpathur.

Every body know the aakshepam of Melapathur about Poonthanam that he has no Vyulpathi for Sanskrit and the story of "Padnmanabho maraprabho". Melapathur the big scholar had no broad mind ness to read the script of Poonthanam.

4. Parasurama story.

It is told Parasurama brought, Brahmins from North to Keralam after he received it from Sea God Varuna. But the Brahmins returned back telling the places are not suited for inhabitation. Then Parasurama prayed to Anantha to purify the land taking out salt from the land. This is said to be the origin of Serpent caves in Kerala. Later after the land became fertile, the nampoothiries again returned and Parasurama settled them in 64 gramams. My points Brahmins never stayed for a solution but returned

5. Kozhikkode samoothiri.

Persons read Kerala history may be knowing about the fight between nampoothiries and samoothiries for power in Kozhikkode and related stories and mamankam.

6. Chanakya.

No body could equal Chanakya as we read Indian history of Chandra guptha mourya period. But Chanakya was a terror to many than liking his qualities. He was said to be a man of Vengeance. (Chanakya sapatham)

7. Kanchi periayaval

He is considered as an incarnation of Lord Siva, respected by all. He is quoted as an authority. But still murmurings were there when he did not favour seeing widows with out wearing 18-muzham pudavai.

8. EMS Nampoothirippad.

EMS Nampoothirippad was a most popular chief minister. He was king with our crown in the party. He was such a broad minded man he gave his illam and all landed properties in Perinthalmanna his native, for communist party. He came out of illam bare handed.

Irrespective of politics many liked him and cherish his memories. I recollect my father was taken for his cooking when he came around our areas many times, though he specially did not express any thing like that. People understood him.

But still in his last years he had opposition with in party which lead to communist party split etc.

9. Lal Bahadoor sasthri

Our Prime minister once, the small man, I have not heard anything adverse. He was liked by all for his simplicity. Recently I read for using the government vehicle in an occasion by his son, he called the travel details and remitted the money.

10. Jawaharlal Nehru

Our first Prime minister, the Kashmiri Brahmin, but for him and the five year plans he proposed, the agriculture, industrial development would not have been in India.
Children always liked the chacha Nehru.

11. Rajaji

C R Rajagopalachari, the first governor general and the man behind Indian constitution, and the story letter, finally he had to come out of congress and from his own Swathanthra party. The party ended with him.

I have specifically selected yester year people and not current year since the aim is only to appropriate "Bhojana priya" and Bahujana priya. So in the above reference out of 11 just three only make Bahujana priya – Lal Bahadur, Nehru, and Periyava.

I have said it is a self study because, many things for popularity of others may be there not known to me and the persons I mentioned Bahujana, popularity need not be there much.

12. Adukkala Nampoothiries.

In Vaikkam temple I have heard it is Nampoothiries who make prathal, and there is a section of Nampoothiries themselves called Adukkala Namoothiries. They concentrate on cooking works (ref

13. Tulu Brahmins

In Kerala Tulu Brahmins mostly concentrate at Kadaikkal or having head quarters at Kadaikkal. They are called potties. They too go for Dehannam- mass cooking with royal families and Brahmins.

In Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Kerala the udupi hotels are liked by all for good vegetarian food comparing to other hotels. The udupi hotel at Madras Egmore was very famous on those days. I used to go to Udupi hotel in Thambuchetty street on those days specially for the bolly and Thair vadai prepared.

14. Kerala Iyer

I have heard most of the iyer settlement in Trivandrum is the Brahmins brought by royal people for feeding during Murajapam and daily sadya in Padmanabha swamy temple. There are many families even to day survive with Sri Padmanabha swamy's kaikariams.

15. Brahmin hotels and vegetarian hotels.

If there is a vegetarian and Brahmin hotels side by side, all Hindus will prefer iyer hotel to vegetarian hotels. They may even be non-vegetarians. All likes the food prepared by Brahmins. I know at Pandalam Junction there was an SK Lodge. Once opened it became the most famous hotel of Pandalam and all wanted Tiffin and meals from there. The hotel got closed after a case of vacation of premises.

16. Quality, Quantity and mixing
While preparing food, Brahmins have been experts in preparing by using proper quality, quantity and proper mixing to make more taste. Probably this would have been because, they had more time to devote to preparing tasteful food than others. They could make varieties of food.

17. Iyengar Puliotharai etc.

Every body can make Puliotharai, but iyengar pulyotharai and rasam are special. Similarly Thulu Potti sambar. The gangoora chatni, Parippupodi made by Andhra Brahmins and Andhra appalam are special.

18. Taste buds.

Though every body is having taste buds, it found and relished Brahmin preparation to others when there is an occasion. Even Nair families in Kerala call Brahmins to supervise the cooking over all. Just like "Nokku kooli" he is paid for it. They preferred the supervision of an iyer because; it increased the taste of preparations.
In fact in my boyhood days, one of my primmer was cooking in a palace and my father was specially called by palace people for special preparations.

I do recollect waiting for aviyal and kalan and payasam brought by my father after finishing cooking for their functions. My mother used to prepare rice only on such occasions.

19. Brahmano bhojana priya.

While others like food for controlling their Hungry, Brahmin relishes them FOR TASTE ALSO IN ADDITION. Not only on those days, even today, after a taste full sadya prepared by Brahmins, the satisfaction in the face of Brahmins is special.

After a good meal we will be happier. Probably this may be the secret for our women folk make special meals for getting costly things from husbands and elders…

What I personally feel even a serious problem could be solved in a better manner by an iyer after an excellent meal. The happy mood will trim the brain for better solutions. (The PROBLEM SHOULD OCCUR AFTER MEALS AND NOT BEFORE. If before, the brain with draw taste buds and we will not understand what we eat. It becomes something mechanically done. It is just like when a severe pain occurs in an area, existing smaller pain disappear. )

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