Saturday, March 7, 2020


Mookku is also a vessel very much in use by caterers to serve jeera or dried ginger water, rasam, butter milk etc.
Now a day we have mookku in stainless steel in all vessels shops. Earlier days either tinned copper or tinned brass mooku were used. The speciality with mookku is it is equally used in Tamilnadu and Kerala.
Mookku has a flat base with conical sides to about 1.5 inches, a cylindrical body of about 6 inches and on top in one edge a nozzle (Mookku) through which well diluted items can be served to the required extent. It has got a semicircular handle firmly fixed. The nozzle has convenient position to serve holding the handle The nozzle will be  bigger than that of the saucepan  and like that of stainless steel jug. Height of the mookku may be about 7.5 inches and diameter about 6-6.5 inches.
In a wider use, it can be used to transfer anything to a smaller vessel liquid in nature filling 3/4th to its capacity. Only thing on tilting it will overflow the nose.
For serving through the nose, the liquid item is kept well below the nozzle and tilted as required. When item is at the bottom more titling is done to serve the item.
Mookku is a beautiful vessel. 

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