Monday, November 14, 2011


  • A happy and contented state of mind, cheerful disposition and pleasing manner
  • A feeling of security
  • Self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Absence of tension and frustration
  • Ability to accept and give love, affection and happiness
  • Insight or knowledge of the self
  • Ability to use one’s capability in the task at hand
  • Maximum ability of getting along with people and being friendly to all
  • Ability to adapt easily in every respect
  • Stability of the mind which does not fluctuate or waver
  • Fortitude and courage
  • Intelligence and a good memory
  • Creative ability
  • Follower of the dictates of one’s conscience
  • Having perfect control over one’s own desires, instincts, emotions, behaviour, actions and speech
  • Having respect for teachers and learned people
  • Truthful speech, clarity of thought and right action
  • Humility and gratitude
  • A well wisher of people and working for the upliftment of the society.

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